Free NHS Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm screening for men over 65.
Free NHS Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm screening for men over 65.
The NHS are now offering a free screening service in relation to the above for all males in their 65th year.
An abdominal aortic aneurysm is usually fatal and there are no pre-determined symptoms that you will feel. The screening will however pick up on any stretching of the aorta and there are then several treatments that can be applied, which will no doubt be lifesaving. As many as 1 man in every 25 in this age group is at risk and 6 times more so than a female.
The National screening has only been in existence over the last 2 years and you are now contacted automatically by the NHS only when in your 65th. year from information provided by your GP.
The problem is that there are many men who have missed out as they will now be around 67 yrs. or older and although they have a right to be included in the screening programme, they could be unaware of it.
The screening consists of a simple and painless 10 minute ultrasound scan over your abdomen and the result is provided straight away, with a copy going to your GP.
Anyone in this at risk group who will not be included in the automatic inclusion of men currently in their 65th year and who want to be included in the screening programme, should contact your local screening service.
Further information can be found at::